MicroBiome Bar

MicroBiome Bars - 4 delicious flavors and 4 prebiotic fibers

MicroBiome Bars® give you a healthy source of 4 prebiotic fibers, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Beta-glucans and fermented protein from grains, to help support your microbiome

Multi-Prebiotic Fiber & Gut Health Bars

They’re made from organic, Non-GMO ingredients and come in a box of 12 pocket-sized 40 gram bars.

• P-Nutty Cranberry

• Sunny-Saskatoon Berry

• Razz-Apple Almond

• Choco-Cherry Walnut

Each serving provides:
• 4 Prebiotic Fibers
• 7 grams of fiber
• 5 grams of protein
• 0.3 grams of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
• 0.3 grams of Beta-glucans

Now you can get the benefits of key plant fibers and fermented protein, in a tasty and nutritious bar. High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Beta-glucans, the MicroBiome Bar® is a delicious way to stay healthy.


Multiple Prebiotics Feed Your Probiotics

Your microbiome is made  of the 100 trillion microbes living in your digestive tract. These 1,000 species of “good” probiotic bacteria are fueled by prebiotic plant fibers. 70% of your immune system is here. Support your microbiome with the 4 prebiotics from ProBiotein® – AXOS, FOS, MOS, XOS + Omega-3 Fatty Acids + Beta-glucans – to help keep your microbiome strong.*

• Get your daily ProBiotein in four tasty flavored bars
ProBiotein® is a true “multi-prebiotic” fiber source
• The 4 PREBIOTIC FIBERS (oligosaccharides) in ProBiotein are:

      • AXOS – arabinoxylo oligosaccharide
      • FOS – fructo oligosaccharide
      • MOS – mannan oligosaccharide
      • XOS – xylo oligosaccharide

Plus beta-glucans, omega-3 and antioxidants.

ProBiotein has Omega-3 Fatty Acids that come from flax
ProBiotein also provides you with Beta-glucans that come from oats

MicroBiome Bar - P-Nutty Cranberry

P-Nutty Cranberry – MicroBiome Bar

The creamy peanut butter, cranberries, oats, sunflower seeds, honey and puffed amaranth give this bar a fun, nutty taste. And ProBiotein’s fermented grain and seed blend (organic wheat, organic oats, organic barley malt, organic flax meal, nutritional yeast) make this MicroBiome Bar a healthy choice when you’re on the go!


Sunny-Saskatoon Berry – MicroBiome Bar

The super fruits of saskatoon, blueberry, aronia berry provide high antioxidant levels, along with oats, sunflower seeds, honey and puffed amaranth. And ProBiotein’s fermented grain and seed blend (organic wheat, organic oats, organic barley malt, organic flax meal, nutritional yeast) make this MicroBiome Bar a smart choice for immune system support.

Razz-Apple Almond – MicroBiome Bar

The fruit-filled flavors of raspberries, apple and almonds, oats, honey and puffed amaranth give you a taste break any time you need. And ProBiotein’s fermented grain and seed blend (organic wheat, organic oats, organic barley malt, organic flax meal, nutritional yeast) combine to make this MicroBiome Bar a delicious way to add prebiotic fiber to your day.


MicroBiome Bar - Choco-Cherry Walnt

Choco-Cherry Walnut – MicroBiome Bar

A rich chocolate taste with tart cherries and walnuts, plus oats, sunflower seeds, almond butter, honey and puffed amaranth. And ProBiotein’s fermented grain and seed blend (organic wheat, organic oats, organic barley malt, organic flax meal, nutritional yeast) blend in to make this chocolatey MicroBiome Bar a taste treat with a healthy prebiotic bonus.




*The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements.
This product is not meant to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease.